Steering Committee

The activities of the ECML PKDD community are guided by a steering committee, which consists of at most 4 chairs of the previous 3 editions of the ECML PKDD conference. The chairs ideally cover diverse roles in the organisation of the conference. The current appointed members of the steering committee are the following.

Representatives 2022

Representatives 2023

Representatives 2024

Massih-Reza Amini

Massih-Reza Amini

Peggy Cellier

Peggy Cellier

Tias Guns

Tias Guns

Grigorios Tsoumakas

Grigorios Tsoumakas

Elena Baralis

Elena Baralis

Claudia Plant

Claudia Plant

Manuel Gomez Rodriguez

Manuel Gomez Rodriguez

Jesse Davis

Jesse Davis

Tomas Krilavičius

Tomas Krilavičius

Panagiotis Papapetrou

Panagiotis Papapetrou

Myra Spiliopoulou

Myra Spiliopoulou

At each year's conference, the steering committee organizes a community meeting and meets in a steering committee meeting before the community meeting. All chairs of the current and next edition of the conference are invited to attend the steering committee meeting. However, only appointed members of the steering committee are allowed to vote.

At most one week before the conference, the current chairs nominate at most 4 candidate members for the steering committee. The new steering committee is appointed by the outgoing steering committee during the steering committee meeting; the new steering committee assumes its position after being appointed. The president of the steering committee is elected by the steering committee for a period of 4 years. At the end of the mandate of the outgoing president, members of the steering committee may nominate a candidate president. Nominations are sent to the outgoing president. The new president is elected during the steering committee meeting, by the incoming steering committee. The new president assumes her responsibilities at the end of the community meeting, which is chaired by the outgoing president.

The president of the steering committee is elected by the steering committee for a period of 4 years. At the end of the mandate of the outgoing president, members of the steering committee may nominate a candidate president. Nominations are sent to the outgoing president. The new president is elected during the steering committee meeting, by the incoming steering committee. The new president assumes her responsibilities at the end of the community meeting, which is chaired by the outgoing president.

The steering committee is responsible for decisions that have a long-term impact on the community. This includes, the transfer of remaining funds from one conference to the next, long-term contracts with publishers, support software, etc.

Appointed Members

For these tasks, the committee assigns the following roles to suitable members of the community; they are also considered appointed members of the steering committee.

Tijl De Bie

Tijl De Bie


Andrea Passerini

Andrea Passerini

Honorary President

Saso Dzeroski

Saso Dzeroski

Publication Chair

Siegfried Nijssen

Siegfried Nijssen


Francesco Bonchi

Francesco Bonchi

Proposal Chair

Ioanna Miliou

Ioanna Miliou

Promoting and Managing Diversity

Robert Jan van Wijk

Robert Jan van Wijk

Industrial Liaisons

Albert Bifet

Albert Bifet

Proposal Chair

Arno Siebes

Arno Siebes


Ilaria Bordino

Ilaria Bordino

Industrial Liaisons

Albrecht Zimmermann

Albrecht Zimmermann

Communication and Social Media Chair