1st Submission Deadline
2nd Submission Deadline
3rd Submission Deadline
We invite the submission of high-quality manuscripts reporting relevant research studies on all topics related to machine learning, knowledge discovery, and data mining.
Given the special nature of the journal track, submitted papers have to adhere to the following eligibility criteria:
Authors who submit their work to the ECML PKDD 2025 journal track with these journals commit themselves to presenting their paper at the ECML PKDD conference if it is accepted.
The journal track allows continuous submissions from October 2024 to February 2025. Papers will be processed and sent out for review after each of the following three cutoff dates:
The deadline on each of these dates is 23:59, Anywhere on Earth (AoE). We strive for a high-quality and efficient review process. For each submission, we aim to obtain three reviews from experienced reviewers, including members of the Guest Editorial Board. Our goal is to arrive at an initial decision about 10 weeks after each cutoff date, though meeting this target may not always be possible. After the initial review phase, many papers will require substantial revisions, and the revised paper will be re-reviewed, which extends the review process. Consequently, a paper’s chance of finishing the review cycle and being included in the ECML PKDD 2025 special issue decreases with each subsequent cutoff date. This means that accepted papers, especially those that were submitted to the later deadlines, may be included in the ECML PKDD 2026 (or even later) special issue (and subject to the approval of the ECML PKDD steering committee and future organizers). The reviewing process is single-blind.
To submit to this track, authors have to make a journal submission to the CMT site, as follows:
Templates can be found at https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/campaigns/latex-author-support. It is highly recommended that submitted papers do not exceed 20 pages, including references. Every paper may be accompanied by unlimited appendices. Papers with more than 22 pages might be desk-rejected.
Both journals require authors to include an information sheet (for Machine learning submissions) or a cover letter (up to 2 pages) as supplementary material (for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery submissions) that contains a short summary of their contribution and specifically addresses the following questions:
The author list as submitted with the paper is considered final. No changes to this list may be made after paper submission, either during the review period or, in case of acceptance, at the final publication stage.
If accepted, authors submitting their work to the Journal Track @ ECML PKDD, commit to presenting their paper at the ECML PKDD 2025 conference. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal Track that receive the final acceptance decision by July 15, 2025, will be presented at ECML-PKDD 2025 in Porto. Papers receiving the acceptance decision after the middle of July will be presented at ECML-PKDD 2026, if agreed with the journal track chairs of this conference.
First Name Last Name Organization
For further information, please contact the email: ecml-pkdd-2025-journal-track-chairs@googlegroups.com